
Do Juicers Need Water? The Truth Is Explained.

do juicers need water


Many of you are new to Juicing. Which let you come here to know about: Do Juicers Need Water?

The purpose of writing this article was to give you a clear vision of Do Juicers Need Water? and share the difference between the blender and juicer functionalities. Because this made me so confused initially. So, I thought why not share my findings with you people as well. So let’s jump to our main question:

Do Juicers Need Water?

The simplest answer to this question is: No. A Juicing process doesn’t need water either its Centrifugal Juicer or Masticating Juicer. In fact, none of the juicers needs water.

You might be confused because blenders do need some sort of liquid to function, in other words, to blend. Because this was the case with me as well. You are not the only one to think like this. So cheers!

So, here is the answer to some of the most confusing things between a juicer and a blender. It had made me curious about the juicing technique so I researched it and shared it with you people too.

More Read: Best masticating juice for everyday use

Confusion Number 1:

I used to thought both of them seem too similar in functionalities with the difference in the extraction of juice only. And many times this thing triggered me Why they are different in shape then?

Then I found out both of them have many things that are not common at all. The case is different actually, they are different in many ways. Here is the basic difference:

The Blade Designs Are Different:

The blades of juicers are designed in a way that they don’t require water or any liquid to cut and grind the fruits and vegetables. Juicer’s blade is different in shape as compared to the blender which ultimately gives a different impact on the juicer.

The Functionality Is Different:

The aim of both appliances is different. A blender is used to blend, chop or grind. While the juicer is used to cut, grind and extract the juice.

The Shapes Are Different: (Due to Some Reason, Let’s Find Out)

You have noticed the shape of the Blender and Juicers are quite different. It is not just for the sake of differentiating the blender from the juicer. The reason behind it is to make the juicer effective in extraction along with the storage capacity of pulp. They both don’t even resemble each other. Although they somehow perform some similar tasks like chopping and grinding the game changes when the extraction of juice gets involved. Therefore, their shapes are different.

Confusion Number 2:

Adding water to a juicer can damage my juicer.

No. It will not damage your juicer. It will only mix up with the extracted juice and make it diluted. Other than this, nothing will happen with your juicer.

Confusion number 3:

Adding water during Juicing may increase its nutritional values too?

No. The nutritional values will remain the same. It will only increase the volume of the juice. In fact, it will affect the taste of the juice. It will taste more like water and decrease the quality of taste. On the contrary, in some cases, water is added intentionally to get a diluted form of juice.

Confusion number 4:

What will happen when I add water to a juicer?

Adding water during the juicing process will increase the volume of your juice. Juice would be more diluted, less thick and more watery.

These were some most common confusions about juicing with water. Hope it had cleared all your doubts related to juicers needing water or not.

More Read: Juicer FAQs

Do we recommend adding water to Juicer?

Definitely no. It’s a big No. Juicers are not meant to add water while juicing. If you intentionally want to dilute the juice and wanted to reduce the actual taste and texture of juice then only add water. Otherwise, no need to add water to a juicer.

In Which Cases We Can Add Water To The Juicer?

  • To increase the volume:

If you want to increase the volume of the juice. There are some situations like parties or sudden guest appearances in which you probably need to add water to the juicer or the juice to increase its quantity. It has nothing to do with nutritional values. But adding water to juice would distribute its nutritional values. Suppose if in 4 glasses of juice you add 2 glasses of water then the nutritional values of 4 glasses would be distributed in 6 glasses.

  • To minimize thickness:

The second situation would be if your juice is too thick to drink. If you made any of the juices like orange, carrot, celery or any fruit and vegetable juice and it is too thick or not according to your level of thickness then you can also add water to your juicer or juice to make it drinkable according to your tastes.

  • To overcome the strong taste:

The third situation would be if your juice is too strong in taste like ginger juice, bitter guard juice etc. In this case, also you can add water to your juicer or juice to minimize the juice’s bitterness or strong taste.

Hope your all the confusion about “Do juicer need water?” has been cleared now. I have tried to cover and clear all the confusion and related questions.

Happy Juicing!!!

Written by Owais

I am Owais, CEO of Zomusk. My love for the kitchen, cooking and kitchen appliances is infinity and beyond and I have been following my passion by writing in this awesome niche. I have been really lucky among the people who do the job they love to do. I really hope my articles and personal experiences help you guys. You can always contact me and if you want to give some suggestions or just want to say a hello.


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