
A Complete Guide For Juicing For Kids- All You Need To Know

A Complete Guide For Juicing For Kids- All You Need To Know


Introducing juices into a toddler’s diet has become a common practice among parents. This is because of the alleged health benefits that come with it. While there are certainly some pros to juicing for kids, there are also some cons that you should be aware of before making a decision.

In addition, the right time and the right quantity of juices are also discussed for your kids. In this article, we will discuss all the necessary points along with the pros and cons of juicing for kids so that you can make an informed decision on when to start juicing for kids.

Points To Remember Before Introducing Juice Into Your Kid’s Diet

Juicing for kids has so much importance that parents want to introduce it in their kid’s diet, but there are some points to remember before starting to give juices to kids, which are:

  1. Avoid packed juices, as they mainly contain sugar which is not good for kids’ health.
  2. Only prefer homemade juices for your kids, especially toddlers, who are too young for unnecessary preservatives. Therefore, use fresh juices as they don’t contain any preservatives.
  3. Start with giving small amounts of juice and gradually increase it.
  4. Give in limited quantities.
  5. Introduce one juice at a time in your toddler’s diet to examine its benefits or even if it’s allergic to your kid.
  6. The right age to start giving juices to kids is around 8 to 12 months old.

Now, you know some of the basics regarding juicing for kids. Next, let’s move on to cover some of the most concerned questions regarding juicing for kids.

More Read: Is juicing cost effective at home?

Juicing For Kids – Most Concerning Questions

Q. What are the benefits of juicing for kids?

A. There are plenty of benefits that come with juicing for kids, which include: 

  1. Increased intake of fruits and vegetables.
  2. Easier digestion due to juice’s natural enzymes. 
  3. A convenient way to consume necessary nutrients. 
  4. Introducing new flavors and textures to your kids’ diet. 

Q. Are there any risks associated with juicing for kids?

A. While juicing for kids can be extremely beneficial, there are a few risks to keep in mind, such as: 

  1. The sugar content in fruit juices can cause tooth decay.
  2. Some fruits contain toxins that can be harmful to the young.
  3. Unpasteurized juice can be the reason for the growth of harmful bacteria, which may cause food poisoning. So, it is important to take some safety measures while juicing for kids, such as: 
  • Always buy organic fruits to avoid pesticide residue.
  • Wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly before juicing. 
  • Use a clean, sterilized juicer.
  • Give freshly made juice right away or store it in a clean container.

Q. How much juice should be given to toddlers?

A. Every age group has some limit for the maximum number of ounces per day. However, do not overdose on your child by thinking it’s healthy, and you should drink juice as much as possible. It’s a bad practice.

Consult your pediatrician about the right amount for your toddler, and also be aware of the allergies (if any) before introducing any of the juice into your toddler’s diet. 

The American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) recommends that children eat various healthy foods, including fruits and vegetables, instead of drinking juice. If you choose to give your child juice, the American Academy Of Pediatrics suggests limiting juice intake. The general estimated amount is fixed as:

  • Age 1 – 3 years

Up to four ounces per day for toddlers ages one to three.

  • Age 4 – 6 years

Up to six ounces per day for toddlers ages four to six.

  • Age 6 and above

No more than eight ounces per day for any child over six.

Here are some juices for toddlers:

Q. Now that you know the amount, what are the best times to give your toddler juice? 

A. You can space out the servings throughout the day or offer them during mealtimes. If you decide to give it a snack, make sure it is at least two hours before or after a meal.

Q. What are some healthy juices for kids?

A. Some good options include: 

Apple, Pear, Grapefruit, Orange, Carrot, Spinach, Strawberry, Pineapple, and Cucumber juices. Green juices are also good for them, but kids usually don’t like to drink them due to their taste. Avoid giving too much juice made with fruit concentrates. Prefer only freshly made juices at home for your young ones.

Q. At which age juices can be introduced to toddlers?

A. When it comes to the right age for introducing juices into your child’s diet, pediatricians generally recommend waiting until your child is at least nine months old and has started eating solid foods. One of the most important decisions parents have to make is when and how to introduce solid foods into their baby’s diet.

Some babies are ready for solid food as early as four months old, while others may not be ready until they’re closer to eight or nine months old. The same goes for juices – some toddlers can drink them without a problem, and some may not like it. You must wait till they accept the taste and start enjoying it.

You can start by offering them watered-down juice or diluting store-bought juice with water. Then, as your child gets older, you can gradually increase and introduce different liquids with time and age.

Pros and Cons

If you decide to give your child juice, it is important to talk with your pediatrician first. They would not stop you eventually, but in some cases may be due to the child’s previous allergies or some problems they can restrict you with introducing juices into their diet.

There are pros and cons to adding juices to a toddler’s diet. Some parents feel that juices are a healthy way to add vitamins and minerals to their child’s diet. Others worry about the sugar content in juices.

So, let’s find out the real Pros and Cons of juicing for kids.

The Pros Of Juicing For Kids Include:

  1. It can help them get their daily recommended fruits and vegetables.
  2. It can be a good way to introduce new foods.
  3. It can be a healthy alternative to sugary drinks.
  4. It can boost their immune system.
  5. Fresh homemade juices provide good nutrition

The Cons Of Juicing For Kids Include:

  1. Kids can easily consume too much sugar if they drink sweet juices often.
  2. The problems that can be noticed due to access to sugar in kids’ bodies are cavities, hyperactivity, and weight gain.
  3. The access amount of sugar in a toddler’s body may cause harm in the long term.
  4. Should be given in a limited amount to toddlers as too much juicing can also lead to health problems like obesity and type II diabetes.
  5. Some parents worry that their children might not get enough fiber if they drink mostly juices.
  6. It can be expensive to buy a juicer and takes effort to make fresh juice at home. 

So, these were some of the pros and cons of juicing for kids. To sum it up, there are pros and cons to giving your child juice. If you decide to give your child juice, be sure to introduce it slowly and in moderation. Ask pediatricians before introducing juices to kids. Do not try it before the age of nine months, and gradually increase the amount of juice they drink as they get older.

Final Thoughts:

If you’re thinking and convinced about giving your child some juice, be sure to read the pros and cons first! And as with anything else, always consult with your pediatrician first. And always talk with your pediatrician before making any changes in your kids’ diet. Introduce juice in a suggested amount at the right age.

I hope this article will help you decide when and how to give fluids to your kids. Do not rush into introducing juices, and do not skip juice from your kids’ diet. Hope this article has cleared your concept about juicing for kids.


Written by Owais

I am Owais, CEO of Zomusk. My love for the kitchen, cooking and kitchen appliances is infinity and beyond and I have been following my passion by writing in this awesome niche. I have been really lucky among the people who do the job they love to do. I really hope my articles and personal experiences help you guys. You can always contact me and if you want to give some suggestions or just want to say a hello.


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