
8 Yummy Juices That Are Good For Arthritis- 2 Minute Recipes

8 Yummy Juices that are good for Arthritis


Everything made by nature has some value. To use them in the right place at right time makes them useful for us. There are many diseases that can be prevented and cure by a good and balanced diet. Medication is also necessary but a diet leading to cure the disease decreases the healing time. Here we are going to discuss a medical condition Arthritis and the Juices that are good for Arthritis.

The antioxidants present in fruits and vegetables are said to be helping hands in curing Arthritis diseases. The intake of fruits and vegetables in the required quantity is possible by having the juice of them. A glass of juice would be full of nutrients and required minerals. That is somehow not possible to intake in raw or cooked form.

We are going to cover the following areas:

  • What is Arthritis?
  • Types of Arthritis
  • Can Arthritis be cured?
  • Fruits and vegetables that are good for Arthritis
  • Anti-inflammatory and joint pain relief juices

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a medical condition that affects your joints and their movement. The reason could be overused joints (in old people), any injury, accident, abnormal metabolism, infections, immune system disorder, or chemical change in the body. It gets worsen with age. It can be treated to minimize swelling, pain, and overall joint damage. The symptoms of Arthritis are as follows:

  • Joint pain
  • Joint stiffness
  • Inflammation
  • Swelling on joints (especially knees, toes, fingers, ankle, etc.)
  • Difficulty in moving joints
  • Some may face itchy and patchy skin as well

Types of Arthritis

There are three common types of Arthritis.

  • Osteoarthritis

It is the most common type of Arthritis. It happens usually when the joints are overly used, usually found in adults and old people. The other reason could be the injury or excessive weight. In such a case, the most affected joints are of knees, hips, spine, or feet. It causes inflammation and pain in the movement of the mentioned joints.

They cannot be cured completely but can be treated by different techniques like exercise movements, therapies, medication, massages, and diet.

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

The exact reason behind Rheumatoid Arthritis is not definable. It is basically an autoimmune disease, which means any part of the body is attacked by the immune system. Those body parts are usually the joint that gets affected in this kind of Arthritis. The reason behind its attack is still in discussion. Some say it is due to some infection or virus attack while some say it triggered suddenly due to some chemical changes in the body.

The symptoms appear gradually or in some cases suddenly as well. The symptoms of this type of Arthritis are painful joint movements, swelling, and stiffness in joints. Even daily life activities like walking, driving, climbing stairs, and movements of joints like using hands or legs for exerting some kind of force get affected. This can be treated by medications and several therapies.

  • Psoriatic Arthritis

This kind of Arthritis is the rare one comparatively, however, it can affect the skin and joints. It affects the skin by patchy and itchy spots on the body. The joints get affected by having swelling in the body usually in fingers and toes. It affects usually people aged between 30 to 50 years and equally to the male and females. Once it is diagnosed, can be treated under the observation and supervision of the doctor.

Can Arthritis Be Cured?

There is no cure for Arthritis but can be treated to minimize the pain, swelling, or other symptoms. There are different techniques like medications, pain killers, therapies, exercise, and diet that are used to slow down or minimize Arthritis symptoms and increase overall health. As it gets worsen by age so, once you are diagnosed with it, never ignore it. It can even paralyze you if left untreated.

Fruits And Vegetables That Are Good For Arthritis

Pineapples, apples, carrots, pears, oranges, berries, kale, celery, lemon, ginger, leafy and green vegetables, etc. are rich in anti-oxidants, Vitamin C, and minerals. Use them wisely as they are also full of sugars and other Vitamins that the body does not require in too much quantity. Now, let’s move on to the recipes of juices that are proven to reduce Arthritis pain.

Juices That Are Good For Arthritis

Here we are going to share some of the recipes that are good for the medical condition of Arthritis. The recipes are designed keeping in mind the need of the body deficiency and demands. Do not use them excessively, because they are also high in either sugar or other nutrients that can become the reason for other diseases.

Before moving towards the recipes remember to consult your doctor and if you are overweight then this could be the reason for your Arthritis or joint pain. As the fat contains leptins, which are proteins that cause inflammation. Therefore, focus on weight loss as well.

Dr. Wei says:

“The fewer fat cells, the fewer leptins hanging around.”

1. Pear Heaven:


  1. 2 pears
  2. 3-4 purple cabbage leaves
  3. 2 sticks of celery
  4. 1-inch ginger root


Put all the ingredients in the juicer, your fresh arthritis pain relief juice is ready to drink.

Pear Heaven Calorie Chart

Pear Heaven Calorie Chart


2. Pine-Carrot:


  1. 1 cup pineapple
  2. 6 carrots
  3. 3 celery stick
  4. ½ lemon


Put them all in the juicer and drink the fresh juice to help you with arthritis.

(Pineapple contains anti-inflammatory enzymes that help to reduces swelling and pain in joints.)

Pine-Carrot Calorie Chart

Pine-Carrot Calorie Chart

3. Mix Munch:


  1. 1 cup pineapple
  2. 1 cup pear
  3. 1 small carrot
  4. 2 cup spinach with stems
  5. ¼ cup fresh grapefruit juice
  6. 1 bunch of parsley with stem


Put them all in the juicer and drink your fresh juice.

Mix Munch Calorie Chart

Mix Munch Calorie Chart

4. Magma Spinach:


  1. 1 cup spinach
  2. 1 cup pineapple
  3. 1 lemon
  4. ½ cucumber
  5. ½ green apple
  6. 1-inch ginger


Put them all in the juicer and drink the fresh juice.

Magma Spinach Calorie Chart

Magma Spinach Calorie Chart

5. Carrotsio:


  1. 2 Carrots
  2. ½ small pineapple
  3. 1 sweet potato
  4. 1-inch ginger


Put them all in the juicer and drink the fresh juice.

Carrotsio Calorie Chart

Carrotsio Calorie Chart

6. Pumpkinaro:


  1. 2 green apples
  2. 2 carrots
  3. Half small pumpkin
  4. 1-inch raw turmeric
  5. Pinch of Cinnamon powder


Put them all in the juicer except cinnamon powder. Add cinnamon powder in fresh juice and enjoy.

Pumpkinaro Calorie Chart

Pumpkinaro Calorie Chart

7. Coconut Eden:


  1. 1 carrot
  2. 1-inch of ginger
  3. 1 lemon
  4. ½ tsp turmeric powder (raw turmeric of 1 inch)
  5. 2 cups of coconut water
  6. Pinch of black pepper
  7. 1 tsp of honey


  1. Put them all in the juicer except the coconut water, honey, and black pepper, take out juice of all.
  2. Add coconut water, honey, and black pepper.
  3. Drink the fresh juice.

Coconut Eden Calorie Chart

Coconut Eden Calorie Chart

8. King Celery:


  1. 3 stalks of celery
  2. 1 cucumber
  3. ½ small pineapple
  4. 1-2 heads of lettuce
  5. 1-inch of ginger


Put them all in the juicer and drink the fresh juice.

King Celery Calorie Chart

King Celery Calorie Chart


Hope this article would be helpful for you. Try any of the above juices along with your proper medication and therapies. Because juices alone cannot cure your Arthritis problem. This problem needs to be addressed by a doctor under proper observation and care. If you know any other recipe that is more effective for joint pain and inflammation so, do let us share in the comment below.

Written by Owais

I am Owais, CEO of Zomusk. My love for the kitchen, cooking and kitchen appliances is infinity and beyond and I have been following my passion by writing in this awesome niche. I have been really lucky among the people who do the job they love to do. I really hope my articles and personal experiences help you guys. You can always contact me and if you want to give some suggestions or just want to say a hello.


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